As a girl I attended Camp Pinnacle for ten years. My first camp experience was a Mom and Me when I was five. From that time on I knew that I wanted to be a cabin leader one day. This past summer I had that chance! God had new opportunities in store for me and I was both nervous and excited.
I have so many fond memories from camp, but there is one that will always stay with me. It happened during Teen Week. This year, Teen Week's theme was ‘Press On’ and our scripture was Hebrews 12:3. During Teen Week they had an opportunity to talk about important stuff that meant something to them in Small Groups. Every Small Group session was prompted with questions but we were lucky that our girls always wanted to go deeper.
During Thursday night “Porch Time,” (a special time where campers can have one-on-one conversations with their cabin leader) I was out on the porch. As I waited, I asked God to give me the words to say and that they would be his words and not mine. I had one girl in particular come out on the porch to me. Earlier in the week she had spoken to me about some stuff she had been going through and I was really glad that she was coming out to talk again. She sat down next to me and I asked her how she was. Before I could say anything else she had a huge smile on her face and said that she wanted to ask Jesus into her heart. With the help of a unit leader, she asked Jesus into her heart that night.
It is incredible how God can use a camp to change lives.