There are two ways to communicate with your camper electronically during the camp week: One-Way Email or Two-Way eLetters.
- Click here to login to your Camp InTouch account.
- Navigate to “Online Community” and select “Email” to email your camper.
- “Camp Stamps” are required to send emails to your child. 1 CampStamp = 1 email and any unused stamps roll over from year to year.
- A credit card must be on file to purchase Camp Stamps.
Please note: When you choose eLetters (or click the box indicated ‘yes, I want a response to my email’) you will be charged an additional CampStamp. With this option, a blank form will be included in your email so your camper can write a response. A staffer will email that response back to you as soon as the camper hands it in.
Due to the large number of campers and a full schedule during the week, campers will not be allowed to call home. The camp director or camp nurse will contact parents if there is an emergency or a need. If you have an emergency and need to reach your camper, please call Camp Pinnacle at (706) 960-9643 or Georgia Baptist Women at 770-936-5320.