Top 5 Reasons to Choose Camp Pinnacle
1. Campers Can Experience God
Our purpose at Camp Pinnacle is to create an environment where girls can experience God. There are many voices telling your child or teen who to be, what to do, and what to believe. We help campers focus on God's Word, God's purpose, and the impact He's leading them to make on the world.
2. Missions-Focused
We love teaching kids and teens about God’s heart for the world! At Camp Pinnacle, we learn about what life is like in other cultures. We meet missionaries and learn how to pray for them, and also how we all have a part in furthering God’s Kingdom. God’s desire is for all people to know Him.
3. Girls Only Sessions
In today’s world, girls need a time to get away and just be girls. Camp Pinnacle provides a relaxed atmosphere where girls can just be themselves—no distractions! They share their thoughts, have time to reflect on life, and get to make new, lifelong friends!
4. Safe and Quality Environment 
Camp Pinnacle is a safe environment for your child. Camp Pinnacle, accredited by the American Camp Association, assures all areas of the camp program conform to the highest standards of the camping industry.
5. Spiritual Focus
There are many ways campers can experience God and live out their faith at Camp Pinnacle. During our camp programs, it is our goal that campers have opportunities to:
- Experience private and corporate worship that leads to an understanding of God as Creator and how we can be reconciled to Him through a relationship with Jesus Christ.
- Learn about people from other cultures and socio-economic backgrounds and embrace them with the same kind of love God has for all people.
- Reflect on her relationship with Jesus and His calling on her life now and where He might be leading her in the future.
- Learn how to be independent and responsible while being away from home.
- Practice fair play and integrity individually and through group competition.
Programming Highpoints
- Culture Time- Focus on a particular people group where they can understand God’s heart for the nations and pray for people to come to know Him.
- Mission Commission- Interact with Southern Baptist missionaries and hear stories of how God is making His name known around the world.
- Worship & Quiet Times- Experience personal, small group, and corporate forms of Bible study, worship, and prayer.
- Color Wars- Experience competition and learn how to have a Christ-like attitude when winning or losing.
- Camptivities- Choose from a variety of activities (pottery, kayaking, archery, etc.) and learn how we can use our talents and hobbies to glorify God and point others to Jesus.
- Cabin Time- Experience cabin-life with other kids/teens and learn how to share space and encourage others.